Monday, June 29, 2009

What a heat wave we had

Goodness, it was hot. Some people reported that it was over 100 on Saturday. My car said it was 98 when I snuck out at 1230 to go to Starbucks and see an old friend. We'd lost track & refound each other on Facebook, so I'm happy. It's nice when friendships transcend time. We both busted a gut laughing about the same old silly things.

So my garden seems to be surviving OK. I watered around 830am and it was already over 80 on both days. By the end of the day, the stuff growing out of the compost were a little wilty as were the strawberries in a regular container, but everyone in a self watering container were happy & ready for more. Whew. And that is why I use them.

I had my first real tomato become ready this weekend. Yeah! I gave it to my parents.

Heirloom tomatoes definitely look funny, and I haven't heard but I'm hoping it was delicious. The hot weather is great for my peppers too. The Love Apple Farms Orange Bell is producing about 5 peppers at the moment.

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